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Why Delaying Permafrost Thaw is Critical to Our Survival

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Olya Irzak

CEO at Frost Methane

Karl Burkart

Deputy Director at One Earth

Rachael Treharne

Postdoctoral Researcher at Woodwell Climate Research Center

Gail Whiteman

Executive Director at Arctic Basecamp

Dulma Clark

Head of Livebarefoot Fund at Vivobarefoot

Julia Jackson

Founder of Grounded

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Grounded's mission is to catalyze urgent advancement and amplification of existing Earth-based climate solutions to preserve a livable planet by 2030. We advocate for conservation and restoration models centered on local community and Indigenous leadership. We empower solutionists to facilitate understanding of our climate crisis, its impact on the human experience and climate solutions. We strive to exhibit and advocate for reverence and a grounded experience of nature through personal connection with living systems on Earth and to popularize a meaningful mandate of stewardship for life on our planet today and for future generations. To learn more visit

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