We lower the barrier to using hardware-based security.
Cloud application or IoT device, a modern connected system is at risk without a way to verify the integrity of the systems in the network. Join our mini-conference to learn how to use hardware-based security to protect your software and infrastructure. We want to remove the knowledge barrier that limits the adoption of this state-of-the-art security.
Cloud application or IoT device, a modern connected system is at risk without a way to verify the integrity of the systems in the network. Join our mini-conference to learn how to use hardware-based security to protect your software and infrastructure. We want to remove the knowledge barrier that limits the adoption of this state-of-the-art security.
Who are we?
We are a group of developers who want to make our applications and systems trusted using hardware-based security. So, the Users can verify the (cloud) servers that are used to run their applications. We want our IoT devices to existing in an Ecosystem of Trust thanks to a hardware root of trust and remote attestation. To do this we are sharing experience, we meet online every Wednesday and collaborate openly at TPM.dev
Welcome to the TPM.dev 2020 Mini Conference!
Please note that the Conference is open & free to attend.
Please note that the Conference is open & free to attend.