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NAUDL College Connector

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Michael Barlow

United States Army

Dara Davis

Washington Urban Debate League

Maria Sanchez

Univeristy of Kentucky

Selene Figueroa

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Cydney Edwards

Miami-Dade Urban Debate League

Cameron Ward

Bolton & Company

The event is over

Hosted by

National Association for Urban Debate Leagues

Advancing debate education in public schools for 11,000 students in 22 cites to amplify student voices and develop skills for future success.


Dartmouth College

Dartmouth Forensic Union

Rutgers University-Newark


University of Georgia

Georgia Debate Union

University of Iowa

A. Craig Baird Debate Forum

Northwestern Univeristy

Come Meet the Coaches of the Northwestern Debate Society!

Michigan Debate

Debate for the Maize and Blue

Emory University

Barkley Forum for Debate, Deliberation, and Dialogue

Harvard University

Harvard Debate Council

University of Southern California

Trojan Debate Squad

Georgetown University

Georgetown Debate

University of Minnesota

Gopher Debate

Wake Forest

Wake Debate!

Wayne State

Wayne State Debate

Cal State- Fullerton

Titan Forensics (Individual Events and Policy Debate)

Michigan State University

Spartan Debate Program