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Proudly supported by


Thomas Reiberger

Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Associate Prof of Medicine at Medical University of Vienna

Ingo Van Thiel

Advisory Consultant and Editor at Deutsche Leberhilfe, Kohln, Germany

José Willemse

Liver Patients International (LPI), Director of the Dutch Liver Patient Association (NLV)

Annalisa Tortora

Gastroenterologist, Internal Medicine and Rare Liver Diseases - Gemelli University Hospital, Rome

Carlo Dionisi-Vici

Pediatrician, Head Unit of Metabolic Diseases at Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù

Robert Mitchell-Thain

Director of Pediatric and Rare Liver Disease, Director of Patients Insights at GLI

Maria Buti

Clinical Chief of Hepatology Chair of EU Policy and Public Health of the EASL Liver Unit

Hosted by

Global Liver Institute

Improving the lives of individuals and families impacted by liver disease through promoting innovation, encouraging collaboration, and scaling optimal approaches to help eradicate liver diseases.

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