Miro Live: Into the Miroverse
June 1
See below for local time
Are you creator curious? Or perhaps an experienced Miroverse enthusiast? All are Invited for a playful day of collaboration, celebration, and creativity as we dip into the Miroverse together. Get expert tips for creating (and using) stunning Miroverse templates and the tools you need to succeed (or start!) on your journey. Do you believe in a world where everyone is invited to collaborate? This event is for you.

Vote for the Miroverse
People's Choice Awards!
We’re are proud to be hosting the first ever People's Choice Awards! You can see each of the nominated boards on the Miroverse “Into the Miroverse” tag. Voting will take please for the following categories of Miroverse temples:
- Icebreakers
- Retrospectives
- Design Springs
- Planning
- Fun & Games
In order to vote, please go to this Slido link to cast your ballot, or you can scan this QR code.
Schedule highlights
Community Icebreaker
Join Colleen Curtis, Miro’s Head of Community, as we kick-off with an icebreaker and introduce the Miroverse Community choice awards.
Miroverse; Past, Present, Future
Join the team for a fireside chat as we reflect on our two-year journey into the Miroverse and look towards the future of community-inspired collaboration.
Design Boards That Dazzle
Subject matter expertise on lock, but still feeling the need for some visual sparkle? Famed Miro designer and researcher Andrej Balaz will share Miro template styling advice to ensure your templates shine bright.
Miro(verse) Board Improv | Out of This World Mini Session
Your creative ideas brought to life! Join the creative party and throw ideas at Jonathan White and Rachel Davis as we design an Ice Melter together in real-time.
The #MiroArtwork Collaborative
Join Henrik Ståhl and Said Saddouk, to create the largest collaborative Miro art masterpiece ever constructed in real time. We’re not kidding around!
Ready, set, retro!
Join Nhi Tran and Miro Community Specialist Helena Brandist as we end the party in true Miro fashion with a collaborative retrospective exercise.
Miroverse Awards Ceremony
Let’s find out who the winners are together!