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16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2021)

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Toyota Research Institute


Furhat Robotics
Hello Robot
Soul Machines


Plus One Robotics
The MIT Press
Science Robotics


Daniel Szafir

PC Co-Chair

Ana Paiva

General Chair

David Feil-Seifer

PC Co-Chair

Student Volunteer (1)

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Student Volunteer (2)

Student Volunteer

Frederic Robinson

Paper Author

Dan Grollman

Local Arrangements Co-Chair

Katie Winkle

Paper Author

Danny Ullman

Paper Author

Quirien Hover

Paper Author

Samantha Reig

Paper Author

Naomi Fitter

Paper Author

Pourya Aliasghari

Paper Author

Andreea Bobu

Paper Author

Daniel Rea

Paper Author

Alex (Binh Vinh Duc) Nguyen

Paper Author

Dario Pasquali

Paper Author

Sarah Gillet

Paper Author

Anastasia Ostrowski

Paper Author

Serena Marchesi

Paper Author

Yuya Kaneshige

Paper Author

Maartje de Graaf

Paper Author

Alexis E. Block

Paper Author

Maria Luce Lupetti

Paper Author

Eduardo Sandoval

alt.HRI Co-Chair

Patrícia Alves-Oliveira

Paper Author

Kerstin Fischer

alt.HRI Co-Chair

Brittany Duncan

Session Chair

Ho Seok Ahn

Videos Co-Chair

Cindy Bethel

General Chair

Tom Williams

Local Arrangements Co-Chair

Selma Šabanović

Session Chair

Carlos A. Cifuentes

Session Chair

Alisha Bevins

Paper Author

Stephanie Valencia

Paper Author

Zhi Tan

Paper Author

Takanori Komatsu

Paper Author

Sarita Herse

Paper Author

Thao Phung

Paper Author

Timothy Adamson

Paper Author

Erin Hedlund (she/her)

Paper Author

Nathan Tsoi

Paper Author

Anna M. H. Abrams

Paper Author

Devleena Das

Paper Author

Yuyi Liu

Paper Author

Conor McGinn

Paper Author

Stephanie Cramer

Paper Author

Ronald Cumbal

Paper Author

Anouk Neerincx

Paper Author

Meia Chita-Tegmark

Paper Author

Nicholas Rabb

Paper Author

Theresa Law

Paper Author

Kate Tsui


Andre Pereira

Industry Chair

Iolanda Leite

Session Chair

Sean Andrist

Microsoft Research

Sebastian Schneider

Session Chair

Hiroshi Ishiguro

Keynote Speaker

Risa Maeda

Paper Author

Nina Rothstein

Paper Author

Mariah Schrum

Paper Author

Elizabeth Broadbent

PC Co-Chair

Banafsheh Rekabdar

Session Chair

Hadas Erel

Paper Author

Boyoung Kim

Paper Author

Eduard Fosch-Villaronga

Paper Author

J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira

Paper Author

Mark Billinghurst

Keynote Speaker

Ginevra Castellano

Videos Co-Chair

Student Volunteer (3)

Student Volunteer

Student Volunteer (6)

Student Volunteer

Student Volunteer (5)

Student Volunteer

Student Volunteer (7)

Student Volunteer

Student Volunteer (4)

Student Volunteer

Hae Won Park

Paper Author

Elaine Short

Accessibility Chair

Abhijeet Agnihotri

Accessibility Chair

Danielle Szafir

Paper Author

James Kennedy

Industry Chair

Aaron Edsinger

Hello Robot

Samer Al Moubayed

Furhat Robotics

Mark Sagar

Soul Machines

Bill Smart


Aaron Parness


Shantenu Agarwal

Soul Machines

Ilaria Torre

Paper Author

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International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction


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Pioneer #1: Ali Ayub (Pennsylvania State University)

Continual Learning of Visual Concepts for Robots through Limited Supervision

Pioneer #2: Hebert Azevedo-Sa (University of Michigan)

Handling Trust Between Drivers and Automated Vehicles for Improved Collaboration

Pioneer #3: Rachael Burns (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

A Haptic Empathetic Robot Animal for Children with Autism

Pioneer #4: Mai Lee Chang (University of Texas at Austin)

Valuable Robotic Teammates: Algorithms That Reason About the Multiple Dimensions of Human-Robot Teamwork

Pioneer #5: Houston Claure (Cornell University)

Fairness Considerations for Enhanced Team Collaboration

Pioneer #6: Taylor Kessler Faulkner (University of Texas at Austin)

Interactive Reinforcement Learning from Imperfect Teachers

Pioneer #7: Mafalda Gamboa (Chalmers University of Technology)

Ritual Drones: Designing and Studying Critical Flying Companions

Pioneer #8: Sarah Gillet (KTH, Royal Institute of Technology)

Autonomous Robot Behaviors for Shaping Group Dynamics

Pioneer #9: Alyssa Kubota (University of California San Diego)

Behavior Adaptation for Robot-assisted Neurorehabilitation

Pioneer #10: Isabel Neto (University of Lisbon)

Fostering Inclusive Activities in Mixed-visual Abilities Classrooms using Social Robots

Pioneer #11: Preeti Ramaraj (University of Michigan)

Robots that Help Humans Build Better Mental Models of Robots

Pioneer #12: Maram Sakr (University of British Columbia)

What Makes a Good Demonstration for Robot Learning Generalization?

Pioneer #13: Shahed Saleh (University of Waterloo)

Let's Play Together: Designing Robots to Engage Children with Special Needs and Their Peers in Robot-Assisted Play

Pioneer #14: Richard Savery (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Machine Learning Driven Musical Improvisation for Mechanomorphic Human-Robot Interaction

Pioneer #15: Nathan Tsoi (Yale University)

Improving the Robustness of Social Robot Navigation Systems

Pioneer #16: Emma van Zoelen (Delft University of Technology)

Human-Robot Co-Learning for Fluent Collaborations

Pioneer #17: Ruchen Wen (Colorado School of Mines)

Toward Hybrid Relational-Normative Models of Robot Cognition

Pioneer #18: Amir Yazadni (University of Utah)

Posture Estimation and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent Teleoperation Systems

Full Paper (Motion-#1): Lane Change Decision Making for Automated Driving

Tabea Blenk (Julius-Maximilians-Universität & AUDI AG) Stephanie Cramer (AUDI AG)

Full Paper (Motion-#2): Aerial Flight Paths for Communication: How Participants Perceive and Intend to Respond to Drone Movements

Alisha Bevins (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) Brittany A. Duncan (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)

Full Paper (Motion-#3): Co-designing Socially Assistive Sidekicks for Motion-based AAC

Stephanie Valencia (Carnegie Mellon University) Michal Luria (Carnegie Mellon University) Amy Pavel (Carnegie Mellon University) Jeffrey P. Bigham (Carnegie Mellon University) Henny Admoni (Carnegie Mellon University)

Full Paper (Motion-#4): Human-inspired Motion Planning for Omni-directional Social Robots

Ryo Kitagawa (Kyoto University) Yuyi Liu (Kyoto University & ATR) Takayuki Kanda (Kyoto University & ATR)

Full Paper (Motion-#5): Charting Sequential Person Transfers Between Devices, Agents, and Robots

Xiang Zhi Tan (Carnegie Mellon University) Michal Luria (Carnegie Mellon University) Aaron Steinfeld (Carnegie Mellon University) Jodi Forlizzi (Carnegie Mellon University)

Full Paper (Motion-#6): Smooth Operator: Tuning Robot Perception Through Artificial Movement Sound

Frederic Anthony Robinson (University of New South Wales) Mari Velonaki (University of New South Wales) Oliver Bown (University of New South Wales)

Full Paper (Ethics & Trust-#1): Blaming the Reluctant Robot: Parallel Blame Judgments for Robots in Moral Dilemmas across U.S. and Japan

Takanori Komatsu (Meiji University) Bertram F. Malle (Brown University) Matthias Scheutz (Tufts University)

Full Paper (Ethics & Trust-#2): Using Trust to Determine User Decision Making & Task Outcome During a Human-Agent Collaborative Task

Sarita Herse (University of Technology Sydney) Jonathan Vitale (University of Technology Sydney) Benjamin Johnston (University of Technology Sydney) Mary-Anne Williams (University of New South Wales)

Full Paper (Ethics & Trust-#3): Influencing Moral Behavior Through Mere Observation of Robot Work: Video-based Survey on Littering Behavior

Risa Maeda (Kyoto University) Dražen Brščić (Kyoto University) Takayuki Kanda (Kyoto University)

Full Paper (Ethics & Trust-#4): Can You Trust Your Trust Measure?

Meia Chita-Tegmark (Tufts University) Theresa Law (Tufts University) Nicholas Rabb (Tufts University) Matthias Scheutz (Tufts University)

Full Paper (Ethics & Trust-#5): Assessing and Addressing Ethical Risk from Anthropomorphism and Deception in Socially Assistive Robots

Katie Winkle (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Praminda Caleb-Solly (Bristol Robotics Laboratory) Ute Leonards (University of Bristol) Ailie Turton (Bristol Robotics Laboratory) Paul Bremner (Bristol Robotics Laboratory)

Full Paper (Ethics & Trust-#6): Challenges and Opportunities for Replication Science in HRI: A Case Study in Human-Robot Trust

Daniel Ullman (Brown University) Salomi Aladia (Brown University) Bertram F. Malle (Brown University)

Full Paper (Perception-#1): Uncanny, Sexy, and Threatening Robots: The Online Community’s Attitude to and Perceptions of Robots Varying in Humanlikeness and Gender

Quirien R. M. Hover (University of Twente) Ella Velner (University of Twente) Thomas Beelen (University of Twente) Mieke Boon (University of Twente) Khiet P. Truong (University of Twente)

Full Paper (Perception-#2): Perceptions of Infidelity with Sex Robots

Nina J. Rothstein (Drexel University) Dalton H. Connolly (Drexel University) Ewart J. de Visser (Drexel University & George Mason University) Elizabeth Phillips (George Mason University)

Full Paper (Perception-#3): "I think you are doing a bad job!": The Effect of Blame Attribution by a Robot in Human-Robot Collaboration

Diede Van der Hoorn (Utrecht University) Anouk Neerincx (Utrecht University) Maartje M.A. de Graaf (Utrecht University)

Full Paper (Perception-#4): Effects of Social Factors and Team Dynamics on Adoption of Collaborative Robot Autonomy

Mariah L. Schrum (Georgia Institute of Technology) Glen Neville (Georgia Institute of Technology) Michael Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology) Nina Moorman (Georgia Institute of Technology) Rohan Paleja (Georgia Institute of Technology) Karen M. Feigh (Georgia Institute of Technology) Matthew C. Gombolay (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Perception-#5): Flailing, Hailing, Prevailing: Perceptions of Multi-Robot Failure Recovery Strategies

Samantha Reig (Carnegie Mellon University) Elizabeth J. Carter (Carnegie Mellon University) Terrence Fong (NASA Ames Research Center) Jodi Forlizzi (Carnegie Mellon University) Aaron Steinfeld (Carnegie Mellon University)

Full Paper (Perception-#6): You're Wigging Me Out! Is Personalization of Telepresence Robots Strictly Positive?

Naomi T. Fitter (Oregon State University) Megan Strait (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley) Eloise Bisbee (Tufts University) Maja J. Mataric (University of Southern California) Leila Takayama (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Full Paper (Perception-#7): What’s The Point? Tradeoffs Between Effectiveness and Social Perception When Using Mixed Reality to Enhance Gesturally Limited Robots

Jared Hamilton (Colorado School of Mines) Thao Phung (Colorado School of Mines) Nhan Tran (Colorado School of Mines) Tom Williams (Colorado School of Mines)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#1): Why We Should Build Robots That Both Teach and Learn

Timothy Adamson (Yale University) Debasmita Ghose (Yale University) Shannon C. Yasuda (Yale University) Lucas Jehu Silva Shepard (Yale University) Michal A. Lewkowicz (Yale University) Joyce Duan (Yale University) Brian Scassellati (Yale University)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#2): Effects of Gaze and Arm Motion Kinesics on a Humanoid's Perceived Confidence, Eagerness to Learn, and Attention to the Task in a Teaching Scenario

Pourya Aliasghari (University of Waterloo) Moojan Ghafurian (University of Waterloo) Chrystopher L. Nehaniv (University of Waterloo) Kerstin Dautenhahn (University of Waterloo)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#3): The Effects of a Robot's Performance on Human Teachers for Learning from Demonstration Tasks

Erin Hedlund (Georgia Institute of Technology) Michael Johnson (Georgia Institute of Technology) Matthew Gombolay (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#4): Feature Expansive Reward Learning: Rethinking Human Input

Andreea Bobu (University of California, Berkeley) Marius Wiggert (University of California, Berkeley) Claire Tomlin (University of California, Berkeley) Anca D. Dragan (University of California, Berkeley)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#5): “Is this all you can do? Harder!”: The Effects of (Im)Polite Robot Encouragement on Exercise Effort

Daniel J. Rea (University of New Brunswick & Kyoto University) Sebastian Schneider (CITEC, Bielefeld University) Takayuki Kanda (Kyoto University)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#6): Challenges Deploying Robots During a Pandemic: An Effort to Fight Social Isolation Among Children

Nathan Tsoi (Yale University) Joe Connolly (Yale University) Emmanuel Adéníran (Yale University) Amanda Hansen (Yale University) Kaitlynn Taylor Pineda (Yale University) Timothy Adamson (Yale University) Sydney Thompson (Yale University) Rebecca Ramnauth (Yale University) Marynel Vázquez (Yale University) Brian Scassellati (Yale University)

Full Paper (Teaching, Learning, & Health-#7): Exploring the Design Space of Therapeutic Robot Companions for Children

Cara O'Brien (Trinity College Dublin) Molly O'Mara (Trinity College Dublin) Johann Issartel (Dublin City University) Conor McGinn (Trinity College Dublin)

Full Paper (Theory & Methods-#1): Exploring an Architectural Framework for Human-Building Interaction via a Semi-Immersive Cross-Reality Methodology

Binh Vinh Duc Nguyen (KU Leuven) Adalberto L. Simeone (KU Leuven) Andrew Vande Moere (KU Leuven)

Full Paper (Theory & Methods-#2): Deconstructed Trustee Theory: Disentangling Trust in Body and Identity in Multi-Robot Distributed Systems

Tom Williams (Colorado School of Mines) Daniel Ayers (Colorado School of Mines) Camille Kaufman (Colorado School of Mines) Jon Serrano (Colorado School of Mines) Sayanti Roy (Colorado School of Mines)

Full Paper (Theory & Methods-#3): A Theoretical and Empirical Reflection on Technology Acceptance Models for Autonomous Delivery Robots

Anna M. H. Abrams (Chair Individual and Technology) Pia S. C. Dautzenberg (Institute for Automotive Engineering) Carla Jakobowsky (Chair Individual and Technology) Stefan Ladwig (Institute for Automotive Engineering) Astrid M. Rosenthal-von der Pütten (Chair Individual and Technology)

Full Paper (Theory & Methods-#4): Connecting Human-Robot Interaction and Data Visualization

Daniel Szafir (University of Colorado Boulder) Danielle Albers Szafir (University of Colorado Boulder)

Full Paper (Games and Groups-#1): Magic iCub: A Humanoid Robot Autonomously Catching your Lies in a Card Game

Dario Pasquali (Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia & Università di Genova) Jonas Gonzalez-Billandon (Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia & Università di Genova) Francesco Rea (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ) Giulio Sandini (Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia) Alessandra Sciutti (Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia)

Full Paper (Games and Groups-#2): Robot Gaze Can Mediate Participation Imbalance in Groups with Different Skill Levels

Sarah Gillet (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Ronald Cumbal (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) André Pereira (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) José Lopes (Heriot Watt University) Olov Engwall (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Games and Groups-#3): Excluded by Robots: Can Robot-Robot-Human Interaction Lead to Ostracism?

Hadas Erel (The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Yoav Cohen (The Interdisciplinary Center(IDC) Herzliya) Klil Shafrir (The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Sara Daniela Levy (The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Idan Dov Vidra (The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Tzachi Shem Tov (The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya) Oren Zuckerman (The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya)

Full Paper (Games and Groups-#4): Small Group Interactions with Voice-User Interfaces: Exploring Social Embodiment, Rapport, and Engagement

Anastasia K. Ostrowski (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Vasiliki Zygouras (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Hae Won Park (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Cynthia Breazeal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Intent and Recovery-#1): Human vs Humanoid. A Behavioral Investigation of the Individual Tendency to Adopt the Intentional Stance

Serena Marchesi (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) Nicolas Spatola (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) Jairo Perez-Osorio (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) Agnieszka Wykowska (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)

Full Paper (Intent and Recovery-#2): Practical Guidelines for Intent Recognition: BERT with Minimal Training Data Evaluated in Real-World HRI Application

Matthew Huggins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Sharifa Alghowinem (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Sooyeon Jeong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Pedro Colon-Hernandez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Cynthia Breazeal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Hae Won Park (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Intent and Recovery-#3): Explainable AI for Robot Failures: Generating Explanations that Improve User Assistance in Fault Recovery

Devleena Das (Georgia Institute of Technology) Siddhartha Banerjee (Georgia Institute of Technology) Sonia Chernova (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Intent and Recovery-#4): How to Overcome the Difficulties in Programming and Debugging Mobile Social Robots?

Yuya kaneshige (Keio University) Satoru Satake (ATR) Takayuki Kanda (Kyoto University) Michita Imai (Keio University)

Full Paper (Design-#1): Should Robots Chicken?: How Anthropomorphism and Perceived Autonomy Influence Trajectories in a Game-theoretic Problem

Ilaria Torre (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Alexis Linard (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Anders Steen (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Jana Tumova (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Full Paper (Design-#2): The Six Hug Commandments: Design and Evaluation of a Human-Sized Hugging Robot with Visual and Haptic Perception

Alexis E. Block (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems & ETH Zürich) Sammy Christen (ETH Zürich) Roger Gassert (ETH Zürich) Otmar Hilliges (ETH Zürich) Katherine J. Kuchenbecker (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

Full Paper (Design-#3): Designerly Ways of Knowing in HRI: Broadening the Scope of Design-oriented HRI Through the Concept of Intermediate-level Knowledge

Maria Luce Lupetti (Delft University of Technology) Cristina Zaga (University of Twente) Nazli Cila (Delft University of Technology)

Full Paper (Design-#4): Children as Robot Designers

Patrícia Alves-Oliveira (University of Washington) Patrícia Arriaga (Iscte-iul) Ana Paiva (University of Lisbon & Harvard University) Guy Hoffman (Cornell University)

Honda Research Institute Japan

New frontiers of research at HRI

Toyota Research Institute

Augmenting and amplifying human ability in the home


Come build the future with us!

Soul Machines

Astonishing Digital People to further research

Furhat Robotics

The world's most advanced social robot

Hello Robot

Meet Stretch, A New Kind of Mobile Cobot


Platform for Situated Intelligence

MIT Press

MIT Press

Frontiers in Robotics and AI

Frontiers in Robotics and AI


software for social robots

Plus One Robotics

Plus One Robotics


IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

Video #1: Sanitizerbot: A Hand Sanitizer Service Robot

Parthasarathy Reddy Bana, Yao-Lin Tsai, Heather Knight

Video #2: Self-Explainable Robots in Remote Environments

Francisco J. Chiyah Garcia, Simón C. Smith, José Lopes, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, Helen Hastie

Video #3: Assisted Human-Robot-Interaction for Industrial Assembly

Jan Schmitt / Andreas Hillenbrand / Philipp Kranz / Tobias Kaupp

Video #4: Designing Interaction for Multi-agent Cooperative System in an Office Environment

Chao Wang / Stephan Hasler / Manuel Mühlig / Frank Joublin / Antonello Ceravola / Joerg Deigmoeller / Lydia Fischer / Pengcheng An

Video #5: Towards Visual Dialogue for Human-Robot Interaction

Jose L. Part / Daniel Hernández García / Yanchao Yu / Nancie Gunson / Christian Dondrup / Oliver Lemon

Video #6: Sign Language and Emotion Understanding

Richard Ng / Emily Yiran Zou / Ho Seok AHN

Video #7: Best and worst external viewpoints for teleoperation visual assistance

Mahmood Mustafa Shilleh / Qusai Amer / Jan Dufek / Robin Murphy

Video #8: TUTUS: Track Utilizing Transport for User Safety

Daniel Shin, Joey Sehan Back, Tony Lee, Peter Cheong, Ho Seok Ahn

Demo #1: What's a robot doing in the Citizen Service Centre?

Søren Tranberg Hansen

Demo #2: A Web-Based User Interface for HRI Studies on Multi-Robot Furniture Arrangement

Brett Stoddard / Abrar Fallatah / Heather Knight

SDC #1: A 'Pop'ular 'Corn'panion to Making Your Movie Experience 'Butter' Together

Waki Kamino, Zachary Kaufman, Arinah Karim, Swapna Joshi

SDC #2: Using Negative Affect to Reinforce Moral Norms in Casual Speech

Hideki Garcia Goo, Jaime Augusto Alvarez Perez, Ana Cecilia Sánchez Ramos

SDC #3: Library GO

Cheng Chang, Yichen Feng, Nina Xie, Cindy Wei, Yixiao Li

SDC #4: Cara: A Smart Plush Toy for Support During COVID-19

R. Agrawal, E. Kuo, A. S. Kholwadwala, M. Renteria, A. Colello

SDC #5: MaskUp!

Shreyasvi Gowda

SDC #6: Can Service Robots Help Best Practices for COVID?

Yao-Lin Tsai, Parthasarathy Reddy Bana, Heather Knight

SDC #7: Audrey Flower-like Social Assistive Robot

Ela Liberman-Pincu

SDC #8: An Affordable, Accessible Human Motion Controlled Interactive Robot and Simulation through ROS and Azure Kinect

Do Hyung Kwon, Rose Gebhardt

SDC #9: Ivy Curtain: An Alternative-plant Robot

Minso Kim

SDC #10: Human Pain Relief by Simultaneously Grasping and Being Grasped by an Inflatable Haptic Device

Youchan Yim

SDC #11: Distance Learning Companion Robot

Jojo Liang

SDC #12: Musically Assistive Robot for the Elderly in Isolation

Animesh Gupta, Nick Bridges, Waki Kamino

SDC #13: A Socially Distanced Robotic Menorah Set

Lauren Klein, Ryan Dubin

SDC #14: The Development of a Social Robot Accessible to the Deaf

Hoyeon Yu, Minwoo Kim, Jonhak Bae, Hyunwoo Lee, Sujin Choi, Jiwon Hwang

SDC #15: Moody Study Buddy

Jin Ryu

SDC #16: Alice in Bookland

Jin Ryu, Jilly Jiaqi Cai, Elizabeth Vicarte

SDC #17: Robot Imitating Human for Assistance and Companionship

Aman Dhadge

SDC #18: Around Us - A Friend for Visually Impaired Individuals

Robby Huang

SDC #19: Sous-Chef: The Recipe Assistant

Macey Broadwater, Madeline Carlini, Tate Ewing

SDC #20: Mews - A Music Playing Timer for Guiding Handwashing

Jeremy Wang

SDC #21: COVID-19 Symptom Checker

Cassidy Correll, Regan J Bragg, Adjoa Tettey-Fio, Charlotte Rogerson

SDC #22: TUTUS - Track Utilizing Transport for User Safety

Daniel Sung Hyun Shin, Joey Sehan Back, Tony Lee, Peter Cheong

LBR #1: Designing Robots with Relationships in Mind: Suggesting Two Models of Human-socially Assistive Robot (SAR) Relationship

Ela Liberman-Pincu, Ben Gurion University of the Negev; Elmer D. van Grondelle, Delft University of Technology; Tal Oron-Gilad, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

LBR #2: Infants Respond to Robot's Need for Assistance in Pursuing Action-based Goals

Elena Kokkoni, Amanda J. Arnold: University of California, Riverside; Kleio Baxevani, Herbert G. Tanner: University of Delaware

LBR #3: Assisted Human-Robot-Interaction for Industrial Assembly; Application of Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) for Collaborative Assembly Tasks

Jan Schmitt, Tobias Kaupp, Philipp Kranz, Andreas Hillenbrand: University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

LBR #4: Looks Can Permit Deceiving; How Reward or Punishment Decisions are Influenced by Robot Embodiment

Kantwon Rogers, Ayanna Howard: Georgia Institute of Technology

LBR #5: Perception of Emotion in Torso and Arm Movements on Humanoid Robot Quori

Roshni Kaushik, Reid Simmons: Carnegie Mellon University

LBR #6: Perceptual Effects of Ambient Sound on an Artificial Agent's Rate of Speech

Akihiro Matsufuji: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Angelica Lim: Simon Fraser University

LBR #7: The Haunted Desk; Exploring Non-Volitional Behavior Change with Everyday Robotics

Lawrence H. Kim, Annel Amelia Leon, Ganapathy Sankararaman, Blake M. Jones, Gourab Saha, Amanda Spyropolous, Akshara Motani, Matthew Louis Mauriello, Pablo E. Paredes: Stanford University

LBR #8: A User-Centered Agile Approach to the Development of a Real-World Social Robot Application for Reception Areas

Vivienne Jia Zhong, Theresa Schmiedel: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

LBR #9: Why Autonomous Driving Is So Hard: The Social Dimension of Traffic

Hannah R.M. Pelikan: Linkping University

LBR #10: Development of an Inflatable Haptic Device for Pain Reduction by Social Touch

Youchan Yim, Fumihide Tanaka: University of Tsukuba

LBR #11: Validation of a Novel Theory of Mind Measurement Tool: The Social Robot Video Task

Ziggy O'Reilly, David Silvera-Tawil, Diana W Tan, Ionat Zurr: University of Western Australia & CSIRO

LBR #12: Communicative Function of Eye Blinks of Virtual Avatars May Not Translate onto Physical Platforms

Djamari Oetringer, Pieter Wolfert, Jorre Deschuyteneer, Serge Thill, Tony Belpaeme: Radboud University and Ghent University - imec

LBR #13: The Valley of non-Distraction: Effect of Robot's Human-likeness on Perception Load

Daisy Ingle, Nadine Marcus, Wafa Johal: University of New South Wales

LBR #14: Pilot Study on Robot's Open Diary to Deepen Friendships with a Child and Promote Communication between a Child and People

Kanae Kochigami, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba: University of Tokyo

LBR #15: Exploring Web-Based VR for Participatory Robot Design

Simran Bhatia, Elin A. Bjorling, Tanya Budhiraja: University of Washington and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology

LBR #16: Does Emotional State Affect How People Perceive Robots?

Sam Thellman, Sofia Thunberg, Tom Ziemke: Linkping University

LBR #17: Investigating the Validity of Online Robot Evaluations - Comparison of Findings from an One-Sample Online and Laboratory Study

Franziska Babel, Johannes Kraus, Philipp Hock, Hannah Asenbauer, Martin Baumann: Ulm University

LBR #18: Testing the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion on the Acceptance of Health Regulations in a Video Human-Robot Interaction Study

Lena Langholf, Dominik Battefeld, Kristina Henning, Robin Zatrib, Andr Gro, Birte Richter, Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Sebastian Schneider: Bielefeld University

LBR #19: Introducing SMRTT; A Structural Equation Model of Multimodal Real-Time Trust

Brett Israelsen (Raytheon Technologies Research Center), Peggy Wu (Raytheon Technologies Research Center), Katharine Woodruff (Collins Aerospace), Gianna Avdic-McIntire (Collins Aerospace), Andrew Radlbeck (Raytheon Technologies Research Center), Angus McLean (Collins Aerospace), Patrick Highland (University of Iowa), Thomas Schnell (University of Iowa), Daniel Javorsek (United States Air Force)

LBR #20: 'Food' for Human Robot Interaction

Waki Kamino, Swapna Joshi, Selma Sabanovic: Indiana University Bloomington

LBR #21: How Does the General Population Understand Robot State

Abhijeet Agnihotri, Katherine M. Tsui: Toyota Research Institute

LBR #22: Luka Luka – Investigating the Interaction of Children and Their Home Reading Companion Robot

Zhao Zhao, Rhonda McEwen: University of Toronto Mississauga

LBR #23: Social Robot Encouraging Two Strangers to Talk with Each Other for Their Relationships

Naoki Ise, Takamasa Iio: University of Tsukuba

LBR #24: DroRun: Drone Visual Interactions to Mediate a Running Group

Birgir Baldursson, Tim Bjrk, Lisa Johansson, Agnes Rickardsson, Ellen Widerstrand, Mafalda Gamboa, Mohammad Obaid: Chalmers University of Technology

LBR #25: TSUNDERE Interaction; Behavior Modification by the Integrated Interaction of Cold and Kind Actions

Keishi Tainaka, Tetsuya Kodama, Isidro Mendoza Butaslac, Hiroya Kawase, Taishi Sawabe, Masayuki Kanbara: Nara Institute of Science and Technology

LBR #26: Back to the Future; Opinions of Autonomous Cars Over Time

Gal Bejerano (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Paul Robinette (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Holly A. Yanco (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Elizabeth Phillips (George Mason University)

LBR #27: Teleoperation Interface Usage in Robot-Assisted Childhood ASD Therapy

Saad Elbeleidy, Aubrey Shick, Tom Williams: Colorado School of Mines and University of Colorado Boulder

LBR #28: Contact Web Status Presentation for Freehand Grasping in MR-based Robot-teaching

Daichi Saito, Naoki Wake, Kazuhiro Sasabuchi, Hideki Koike, Katsushi Ikeuchi: Tokyo Institute of Technology and Microsoft

LBR #29: Priming Effects on Reaction Time toward Touch via a Web-survey; Human Reaction or Android Reaction?

Atsumu Kubota, Mitsuhiko Kimoto, Takamasa Iio, Katsunori Shimohara, Masahiro Shiomi: ATR, Doshisha University, Keio University and University of Tsukuba

LBR #30: Active Explicable Planning for Human-Robot Teaming

Akkamahadevi Hanni, Yu Zhang: Arizona State University

LBR #31: Formal Verification for Human-Robot Interaction in Medical Environments

Benjamin J. Choi, Juyoun Park, Chung Hyuk Park: Potomac School and George Washington University

LBR #32: Can Robots Impact Human Comfortability During a Live Interview?

Maria Elena Lechuga Redondo, Alessandra Sciutti, Sara Incao, Francesco Rea, Radoslaw Niewiadomski: University of Genova and Italian Institute of Technology

LBR #33: Improving Users Engagement Detection using End-to-End Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks

Khaled Saleh, Kun Yu, Fang Chen: University of Technology Sydney and The University of Technology Sydney

LBR #34: A Prototype of a Robot Memory Game: Exploring the Technical Limitations of Human-Robot Interaction in a Playful Context

Eduardo Benitez Sandoval, Jack Shi, Dagoberto Cruz-Sandoval, Binghao Li, Massimiliano Cappuccio, Simon Rosenbaum: University of New South Wales and CICESE

LBR #35: Are You Not Entertained? Computational Storytelling with Non-Verbal Interaction

Philipp Wicke, Tony Veale (University College Dublin)

LBR #36: "What's this?" Comparing Active learning Strategies for Concept Acquisition in HRI

Dimitra Gkatzia, Francesco Belvedere: Edinburgh Napier University

LBR #37: Mind Perception and Social Robots: The Role of Agent Appearance and Action Types

Imge Saltik, Deniz Erdil, Burcu A. Urgen: Bilkent University

LBR #38: User Validation Study of a Social Robot for Use in Hospital Wards

Babu Ram Naidu Ramachandran, Joo Cheng Lim: NCS Pte Ltd

LBR #39: How can I help you? An Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Industrial Robots

Chen Li, Jinha Park, Hahyeon Kim, Dimitrios Chrysostomou: Aalborg University

LBR #40: Contingency Detection in Multi-Agent Interactions

James Staley, Elaine Schaertl Short: Tufts University

LBR #41: Helper's High with a Robot Pet

Chatchai Chirapornchai, Paul Bremner, Joseph E. Daly: Bristol Robotics Laboratory

LBR #42: Human-Robot Collaboration with Force Feedback Utilizing Bimanual Coordination

Shouren Huang, Masatoshi Ishikawa, Yuji Yamakawa: The University of Tokyo, Keisuke Koyama: Osaka University

LBR #43: The Learning Experience of Becoming a FPV Drone Pilot

Dante Tezza, Denis Laesker, Marvin Andujar: University of South Florida

LBR #44: Competitive Physical Human-Robot Game Play

Boling Yang, Xiangyu Xie, Joshua R. Smith: University of Washington, Golnaz Habibi: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

LBR #45: Behavioral Design of Guiding Agents to Encourage their Use by Visitors in Public Spaces

Megumi Aizawa, Hiroyuki Umemuro: Tokyo Institute of Technology

LBR #46: Design Considerations for Child-Robot Interaction in Pediatric Contexts

Terran Mott, Joslyne Lovelace, Bennett Steward: Colorado School of Mines

LBR #47: Building a Collaborative Relationship between Human and Robot through Verbal and Non-Verbal Interaction

Jacqueline Urakami, Sujitra Sutthithatip: Tokyo Institute of Technology

LBR #48: On the Common and Different Expectations on Robot Service in Restaurant between Customers and Employees

Min-Gyu Kim, Juhyun Kim, Yong-Seoup Kwon, Dong-Seop Sohn, Heeyoon Yoon, Kap-Ho Seo: Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence, Minjung Park: Korea Institute of Robotics and Technology Convergence & Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

LBR #49: RODECA: A Canvas for Designing Robots

Sara Nielsen, Rodrigo Ordoñez, Karl Damkjær Hansen, Mikael B. Skov, Elizabeth Jochum: Aalborg University

LBR #50: Effects of Referring to Robot vs. User Needs in Self-Explanations of Undesirable Robot Behavior

Sonja Stange, Stefan Kopp: Bielefeld University

LBR #51: Dialogue Breakdown and Confusion between Elements and Category

Tetsuya Matsui: Seikei University, Iori Tani: Kobe University, Kazuto Sasai: Ibaraki University, Yukio-Pegio Gunji: Waseda University

LBR #52: Psychosocial Impact of Collaborating with an Autonomous Mobile Robot: Results of an Exploratory Case Study

Nicole Berx, Liliane Pintelon, Wilm Decré: KU Leuven

LBR #53: Remote You, Haru and Me: Exploring Social Interaction in Telepresence Gaming With a Robotic Agent

Heike Katrein Brock: Honda Research Institute Japan, Selma Šabanović: Indiana University Luddy SICE, Randy Gomez: Honda Research Institute Japan

LBR #54: Focusing on the Vulnerabilities of Robots through Expert Interviews for Trust in Human-Robot Interaction

Glenda Hannibal, TU Wien

LBR #55: A Wizard of Oz Approach to Robotic Therapy for Older Adults With Depressive Symptoms

Sofia Thunberg, Fredrik Nyström, Tim Carsting, Petra Faber, Jens Gummesson, Alexander Henne, Daniel Mastell, Jesper Mj?rnman, Joel Tell, Tom Ziemke: Linköping University

LBR #56: Co-creation as a Facilitator for Co-regulation in Child-Robot Interaction

Mike E.U. Ligthart, Koen V. Hindriks: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Mark A. Neerincx: Delft University of Technology & TNO

LBR #57: Robot Vitals and Robot Health: An Intuitive Approach to Quantifying and Communicating Predicted Robot Performance Degradation in Human-Robot Teams

Aniketh Ramesh, Manolis Chiou, Rustam Stolkin: University of Birmingham

LBR #58: Towards Web-based Environments for Prototyping Social Robot Applications

Brisaac Johnson, Bryan Y. Hernández-Cuevas, Utkarsh Singh, Chris S. Crawford, Vishesh Vikas, Andre Denham: University of Alabama

LBR #59: Transparency in HRI: Trust and Decision Making in the Face of Robot Errors

Birthe Nesset, David A. Robb, José Lopes, Helen Hastie: Heriot-Watt University

LBR #60: The Effect of Robot-Guided Meditation on Intra-Brain EEG Phase Synchronization

Sue Yoon, Maryam Alimardani: Tilburg University, Kazuo Hiraki: University of Tokyo

LBR #61: Comparing Strategies for Robot Communication of Role-Grounded Moral Norms

Ruchen Wen, Qin Zhu, Tom Williams: Colorado School of Mines, Boyoung Kim: United States Air Force Academy, Elizabeth Phillips: George Mason University

LBR #62: Comparing a Robotic Storyteller versus Audio Book with Integration of Sound Effects and Background Music

Sophia C. Steinhaeusser, Philipp Schaper, Birgit Lugrin: University of Wuerzburg

LBR #63: Your New Friend NAO vs. Robot No. 783: Effects of Personal or Impersonal Framing in a Robotic Storytelling Use Case

Sophia C. Steinhaeusser, Juliane J. Gabel, Birgit Lugrin: University of Wuerzburg

LBR #64: Dynamic Path Visualization for Human-Robot Collaboration

Andre Cleaver, Darren Vincent Tang, Victoria Chen, Elaine Schaertl Short, Jivko Sinapov: Tufts University

LBR #65: When Oracles Go Wrong: Using Preferences as a Means to Explore

Isaac S. Sheidlower, Elaine Schaertl Short: Tufts University

LBR #66: Effects of Gaze and Speech in Human-Robot Medical Interactions

Isabella Glans Diethelm, Sara Skov Hansen, Frederikke Birkeholm Leth, Kerstin Fischer, Oskar Palinko: University of Southern Denmark

LBR #67: Improving Human-Robot Collaboration Efficiency and Robustness through Non-Verbal Emotional Communication

Yiju Yang, Andrew B. Williams: University of Kansas

LBR #68: Exploring Non-verbal Gaze Behavior in Groups Mediated by an Adaptive Robot

Catherine F. Weldon, Sarah Gillet, Ronald Cumbal, Iolanda Leit: KTH Royal Institute of Technology

LBR #69: Estimating Levels of Engagement for Social Human-Robot Interaction using Legendre Memory Units

Madeleine E. Bartlett: University of Plymouth, Terrence C. Stewart: National Research Council of Canada & University of Waterloo Collaboration Centre, Serge Thill: Radboud University

LBR #70: Social Robots to Support Child and Family Care: A Dutch Use Case

Anouk Neerincx, Denise L. Rodenburg, Maartje M.A. de Graaf, Judith F.M. Masthoff: Utrecht University

LBR #71: Perceptions of Conversational Group Membership based on Robots' Spatial Positioning: Effects of Embodiment

Joe Connolly, Nathan Tsoi, Marynel Vázquez: Yale University

LBR #72: On the Influence of Autonomy and Transparency on Blame and Credit in Flawed Human-Robot Collaboration

Alexander Arntz, Sabrina C. Eimler, Carolin Straßmann: University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West, H. Ulrich Hoppe: University of Duisburg-Essen

LBR #73: Speed and Speech Impact on the Usage of a Hand Sanitizer Robot

Sille K. Beck, Signe K. K. Gade, Henriette Høj, Maria G. Thielsen, Kerstin Fischer, Oskar Palinko, University of Southern Denmark

LBR #74: Improving Remote Environment Visualization through 360 6DoF Multi-sensor Fusion for VR Telerobotics

Austin Sumigray, Eliot Laidlaw, James Tompkin, Stefanie Tellex, Brown University

LBR #75: Is it Pointless? Modeling and Evaluation of Category Transitions of Spatial Gestures

Adam Stogsdill, Grace Clark, Aly Ranucci, Thao Phung, Tom Williams, Colorado School of Mines

LBR #77: Educational Robotics and Mediated Transfer: Transitioning from Tangible Tile-based Programming, to Visual Block-based Programming

Bjarke Kristian Maigaard Kjær, Didde Marie Jacobsen, Lukas Juhl Lyk Teichert, Jacob Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark

LBR #78: Playing the Blame Game with Robots

Markus Kneer, Michael T. Stuart, University of Zurich, University of Zurich

LBR #79: Get This!: Mixed Reality Improves Robot Communication Regardless of Mental Workload

Nhan Tran, Trevor Grant, Thao Phung, Leanne Hirshfield, Christopher Wickens, Tom Williams, Colorado School of Mines, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado State University

LBR #80: Not in my house!: Children Playing an Online Game with Robots Show Low Trust and Closeness with Ingroup Robots

Jennifer Rheman, Marlena Fraune, New Mexico State University

LBR #81: Initiating Human-Robot Interactions Using Incremental Speech Adaptation

Kerstin Fischer, Lakschadeep Naik, Rosalyn M. Langedijk, Timo Baumann, Oskar Palinko, Matouš Jelínek, University of Southern Denmark, University of Hamburg

LBR #82: BRILLO: A Robotic Architecture for Personalised Long-lasting Interactions in a Bartending Domain

Alessandra Rossi, Mariacarla Staffa, Antonio Origlia, Maria di Maro, Silvia RossiUniversity of Naples Federico II

LBR #83: Active Feedback Learning with Rich Feedback

Hang Yu, Elaine Shaertl Short, Tufts University

LBR #84: The Role of a Social Robot in Behavior Change Coaching

Matouš Jelínek, Kerstin Fischer, University of Southern Denmark

LBR #85: Collaboration Education Suite for Children with ASD

Mohammad Q. Azhar, Weida Jiang, Natan Schattner-Elmaleh, BMCC, The City University of New York

LBR #86: A VR Teleoperation Suite with Manipulation Assist

Christian Barentine, Andrew McNay, Ryan Pfaffebichler, Addyson Smith, Eric Rosen, Elizabeth Phillips, United States Air Force Academy, Brown University, George Mason University

LBR #88: A Robot-based Gait Training System for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

Sharon Banh, Emily Zheng, Alyssa Kubota, Laurel D. Riek, University of California, San Diego, California Institute of Technology

LBR #89: We Can Do Better! An Initial Survey Highlighting an Opportunity for More HRI Work on Loneliness

Rahatul Amin Ananto, James E. Young, University of Manitoba

LBR #90: Reducing Cognitive Workload in Telepresence Lunar - Martian Environments Through Audiovisual Feedback in Augmented Reality

Irvin Steve Cardenas, Kaleb Powlison, Jong-Hoon Moore, Kent State University

LBR #91: Towards a Learning Architecture to Support Social Scaffolding for an Artificially Intelligent Disability Assistant

Ronald Moore, Andrew B. Williams, Emory University, University of Kansas

LBR #94: Developing a Data-Driven Categorical Taxonomy of Emotional Expressions in Real World Human Robot Interactions

Ghazal Saheb Jam, Jimin Rhim, Angelica Lim, Simon Fraser University

LBR #95: First Interaction Assessment between a Social Robot and Children Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy in a Rehabilitation Context

Nathalia Céspedes Gómez, Ana Vivian Calderon Echeverria, Marcela Munera, Eduardo Rocon, Carlos A. Cifuentes, Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito, CAR of the Spanish National Research Council

LBR #96: A Theoretical Framework for Large-Scale Human-Robot Interaction with Groups of Learning Agents

Nicholas Teh, Shuyue Hu, Harold Soh, National University of Singapore

LBR #97: Virtual Shadow Rendering for Maintaining Situation Awareness in Proximal Human-Robot Teaming

Andrew Boateng, Yu Zhang, Arizona State University

LBR #98: Implicit Communication Through Social Distancing: Can Social Navigation Communicate Social Norms?

Santosh Balajee Banisetty, Tom Williams, Colorado School of Mines

LBR #99: Toward a One-interaction Data-driven Guide: Putting Co-speech Gesture Evidence to Work for Ambiguous Route Instructions

Nicholas DePalma, Jesse Smith, Sonia Chernova, Jessica Hodgins, Facebook AI Research, Georgia Institute of Technology

LBR #100: Adaptive Humanoid Robots for Pain Management in Children

Sudhir Kateel Shenoy, Yueyue Hou, Xinran Wang, Fateme Nikseresht, Afsaneh Doryab, University of Virginia

LBR #102: Perceived Social Intelligence as Evaluation of Socially Navigation

AnaLisa Honour, Santosh Balajee Banisetty, David Feil-Seifer, University of Nevada Reno

LBR #103: It's Food Fight! Designing the Chef's Hat Card Game for Affective-Aware HRI

Pablo Vinicius Alves Barros, Inge M. Hootsmans, Romain Hubert Alexander Toebosch, Lena Opheij, Anne C. Bloem, Alessandra Sciutti, Emilia Barakova, Italian Institute of Technology, Technical University of Eindhoven, Industrial Design

LBR #104: Anthropomorphize me! - Effects of Robot Gender on Listeners' Perception of the Social Robot NAO in a Storytelling Use Case

Sophia C. Steinhaeusser, Philipp Schaper, Ohenewa Bediako Akuffo, Paula Friedrich, Jülide Ön, Birgit Lugrin, University of Wuerzburg

LBR #105: Identification and Engagement of Passive Subjects in Multiparty Conversations by a Humanoid Robot

David Ayllon, Ting-Shuo Chou, Adam King, Yang Shen, UBTECH North America Research and Development Center

LBR #106: Predicting Human Interactivity State from Surrounding Social Signals

Youssef Mohamed, Séverin Lemaignan, University of the West of England

LBR #107: A Human-Aware Task Planner Explicitly Reasoning About Human and Robot Decision, Action and Reaction

Guilhem Buisan, Rachid Alami, LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse

LBR #108: Human-Robot Collision Avoidance Scheme for Industrial Settings Based on Injury Classification

Mustafa Mohammed, Heejin Jeong, Jae Yeol Lee, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chonnam National University

LBR #109: Framing the Challenge of Social Interaction Modeling: One Case Study

Nicola Webb, Youssef Mohamed, Séverin Lemaignan, University of the West of England

LBR #76: Exoskeletons in Retail: The Role of Comfort, Strain Relief and Task-Technology-Fit in Post-Trial Usage Intentions of Supermarket Workers

Sandra Maria Siedl, Matthias Wolf, Martina Mara, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Graz University of Technology

LBR #87: Feeling Safe: A Study on Trust with an Interactive Robotic Art Installation

Neelu Gurung, Damith Herath, Janie Busby, University of Canberra

LBR #92: Mental Synchronization in Human Task Demonstration: Implications for Robot Teaching and Learning

Julia Oppenheim, Jindan Huang, Isabel Won, Chein-Ming Huang, Johns Hopkins University, Tufts University

LBR #93: Can Robots Be Used to Encourage Social Distancing?

Chloe McCaffrey, Alexander Taylor, Sayanti Roy, Santosh Balajee Banisetty, Ross Mead, Tom Williams, Colorado School of Mines, Semio

LBR #101: Deep Reasoning on Social Rules for Socially Aware Navigation

Roya Salek Shahrezaie, Santosh Balajee, Mohammadmahdi Mohammadi, David Feil-Seifer, University of Nevada Reno, WHIP Mobility Group

alt.HRI #1: Sex Robots in Care: Setting the Stage for a Discussion on the Potential Use of Sexual Robot Technologies for Persons with Disabilities

Eduard Fosch-Villaronga (Leiden University), Adam Poulsen (Charles Sturt University)

alt.HRI #2: Robots as Moral Advisors: The Effects of Deontological, Virtue, and Confucian Role Ethics on Encouraging Honest Behavior

Boyoung Kim (United States Air Force Academy), Ruchen Wen (Colorado School of Mines), Qin Zhu (Colorado School of Mines), Tom Williams (Colorado School of Mines), Elizabeth Phillips (George Mason University)

alt.HRI #3: Fake It to Make It: Exploratory Prototyping in HRI

J. D. Zamfirescu-Pereira (University of California, Berkeley), David Sirkin (Stanford University), David Goedicke (Cornell Tech), Ray LC (City University of Hong Kong), Natalie Friedman (Cornell Tech), Ilan Mandel (Cornell Tech), Nikolas Martelaro (Carnegie Mellon University), Wendy Ju (Cornell Tech)

alt.HRI #4: Boosting Robot Credibility and Challenging Gender Norms in Responding to Abusive Behaviour

Katie Winkle (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Gaspar Isaac Melsión (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Donald McMillan (Stockholm University), Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology),

alt.HRI #5: Who Wants to Grant Robots Rights?

Maartje M. A. de Graaf (Utrecht University), Frank A. Hindriks (Rijksuniversiteit Gr), Koen V. Hindriks (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),

Keynote #1: Hiroshi Ishiguro

Constructive Approach for Interactive Robots and the Fundamental Issues

Keynote #2: Mary-Anne Williams

Designing Human-Robot Interaction with Social Intelligence

Keynote #3: Mark Billinghurst

Keynote #3: Mark Billinghurst