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How Do I Entrepreneur?

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Welcome to the kickoff event for MCE's Winter 2021 Virtual Networkshop Series!

What does Networkshop mean? It is a hybrid event that is part networking and part workshop! Whoever said virtual events weren't social and interactive is about to be proven very wrong!

Join for an inspiring keynote and a networking session with fellow entrepreneurial students across Atlantic Canada because this workshop is in partnership with the entrepreneurship centres in the following Atlantic Canadian universities:

  • University of Prince Edward Island
  • Cape Breton University
  • Dalhousie University
  • University of New Brunswick
  • Saint Mary's University
  • Mount Saint Vincent University
  • Memorial University

Proudly supported by


Mount Saint Vincent University
Saint Mary's University
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dalhousie University
University of New Brunswick
Cape Breton University
University of Prince Edward Island

The event is over

Hosted by

Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship

The Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship inspires and enables aspiring entrepreneurs at Memorial University.

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