About The Conference
2021 sees the return of Governance Now for its fourth annual conference for cultural sector trustees and professionals, presented to you by Clore Leadership on behalf of the Cultural Governance Alliance (CGA) in association with Inc Arts and Arts Council England.
The 2021 conference will take place online on a new platform, Hopin, on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 November. Scroll below for more information about the conference contents, registration, tickets and access.
Register to book your ticket now.
Plenary Topics
As the annual conference for cultural governance, this year we are inviting delegates to navigate through conversations on Race and Decolonisation, Sustainability and Climate Emergency, and Ableism and Disability in relation to their governance priorities, practices and cultures.
We are offering 3 plenary sessions and a closing session across the 2 main conference days.
The main conference activity takes place
between 09:50 - 3:30pm on Thursday 18 November and 10:20 - 4pm on Friday 19 November.
The Hopin site will be open from 9am to 5:00pm throughout each day for delegates to network and browse resources.
Schedule highlights
Nov 18 09:00AM–09:50AM GMT open for delegatesarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Hopin open for delegates
Delegates can access Miro boards, resources and network
Main Plenary
Nov 18 09:50AM–10:00AM GMT from the Organisers - Clore Leadership and the Cultural Governance AlliancearcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Welcome from the Organisers - Clore Leadership and the Cultural Governance Alliance
Arrivals, Welcome, HousekeepingMain Plenary
Nov 18 10:00AM–10:20AM GMT Keynote Address arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Welcome Keynote Address
Main Plenary
Nov 18 10:20AM–10:30AM GMT
Main Plenary
Nov 18 10:30AM–11:30AM GMT the Civic Space in the Climate EmergencyarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Curating the Civic Space in the Climate Emergency
Plenary Keynote and Panel
Nov 18 11:30AM–11:45AM GMT BreakarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Networking Break
Nov 18 11:45AM–12:30PM GMT Practice Presentations: Climate Resilience arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030In Practice Presentations: Climate Resilience
Breakout option 1
Nov 18 11:45AM–12:30PM GMT Practice Presentation: Pioneering new practicearcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030In Practice Presentation: Pioneering new practice
Breakout option 2
Nov 18 11:45AM–12:30PM GMT Presentation: Cultural ResistancearcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030In-Practice Presentation: Cultural Resistance
Breakout option 3
Nov 18 12:30PM–01:20PM GMT
Delegates can access Miro boards, resources and network
Main Plenary
Nov 18 01:20PM–01:30PM GMT from the Organisers - Clore Leadership and the Cultural Governance AlliancearcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Welcome from the Organisers - Clore Leadership and the Cultural Governance Alliance
Main Plenary
Nov 18 01:30PM–02:20PM GMT Address: ‘Re-designing Cultural Governance to Challenge Ableism’arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Keynote Address: ‘Re-designing Cultural Governance to Challenge Ableism’
Nov 18 02:20PM–02:40PM GMT
Delegates can access Miro boards, resources and network
Nov 18 02:40PM–03:30PM GMT Practice Presentation: What does a board meeting look like?arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030In Practice Presentation: What does a board meeting look like?
Breakout option 1
Nov 18 02:40PM–03:30PM GMT'How taking time, saves time’ Tips and techniques for making board meetings more meaningfularcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030'How taking time, saves time’ Tips and techniques for making board meetings more meaningful
Sarah Pickthall (co-chair, coach & inclusive culture specialist – Access All Areas Theatre Company)
Charlene Salter (co-chair, performer, Access All Areas Theatre Company)
Paul Christian (deputy co-chair, performer, Access All Areas Theatre Company)
Nov 18 02:40PM–03:30PM GMT Down Barriers to InclusionarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Breaking Down Barriers to Inclusion
‘Your Governance Journey’ with Tom Fadden, founder of Purple Reach ( a disability consultancy founded on the social model that helps businesses and other organisations to better understand disability and how to be more inclusive.
This session will explore what disability and inclusion means in terms of governance of organisations and beyond the board room. Tom will share his personal journey and what he has learnt so far including how to be more inclusive and why this is important and the benefits of doing so. There will then be a Q&A with the session's audience.
Nov 19 09:00AM–10:20AM GMT open for delegatesarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Hopin open for delegates
Delegates can access Miro boards, resources and network
Main Plenary
Nov 19 10:20AM–10:30AM GMT from the Organisers - Clore Leadership and the Cultural Governance AlliancearcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Welcome from the Organisers - Clore Leadership and the Cultural Governance Alliance
Arrivals, Welcome, HousekeepingMain Plenary
Nov 19 10:30AM–11:15AM GMT and Act; De-colonising cultural governance arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Listen and Act; De-colonising cultural governance
Dr. Priya Singh, (Chair, NCVO) in conversation Amanda Parker, Founder and Chief Executive, Inc ArtsNetworking
Nov 19 11:15AM–11:30AM GMT BreakarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Networking Break
Main Plenary
Nov 19 11:30AM–12:45PM GMT Arts UK: When Boards Go BadarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Inc Arts UK: When Boards Go Bad
Experiental 'performance' - for all delegates
Nov 19 12:45PM–01:00PM GMT BreakarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Networking Break
Main Plenary
Nov 19 01:00PM–01:15PM GMT AddressarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Closing Address
Nov 19 01:15PM–01:30PM GMT
Nov 19 01:30PM–04:00PM GMT Governance Matters: Next StepsarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Your Governance Matters: Next Steps
3 parallel sessions offering an action-focused workshop for delegates to start problem-solving/ planning/ actioning their own governance journeys
Main Plenary
Nov 19 01:30PM–02:25PM GMT Lives: 'Reinventing the Board Meeting'arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Creative Lives: 'Reinventing the Board Meeting'
This session will look at how the move to online meetings has enabled us to take a more creative approach to how we interact with our Boards of Trustees. Creative Lives has been working to release its Trustees from the shackles of the old-fashioned meeting agenda in order to create more space for genuine free-flowing discussion, thought-leadership and problem-solving within Board meetings.
Robin Simpson, Chief Executive, and David Bryan, Chair, of Creative Lives will be joined by Elise Davison, Artistic Director and CEO, and Steph Back, Participation, Access & Inclusion Officer, from Taking Flight Theatre to look at reinventing the Board meeting to maximise both creativity and accessibility.
Creative Lives is a registered charity established in 1991 (formerly known as the Voluntary Arts Network). We champion community and volunteer-led creative activity, and work to improve opportunities for everyone to be creative. In particular, we celebrate and promote people expressing themselves creatively with others, recognising the benefits this can bring. Creative Lives has developed an innovative, creative approach to diversity and governance, winning national governance awards in 2012 and 2017.
Taking Flight makes bold, unusual theatre productions with Deaf, disabled and non-disabled performers. Our work tours Wales and beyond and we often find ourselves in out of the way places, as traditional theatre venues. With over 10 years experience, we’ve become the “go to” organisation in Wales for advice, information or inspiration on integrating access & working with inclusive casts.
This session will feature British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation.
Nov 19 01:30PM–02:30PM GMT Governance Institute: 'Burnout'arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Good Governance Institute: 'Burnout'
This session explores burnout and how best to manage it in health and social care from the perspective of an NHS organisation and a third sector care provider.
Nov 19 02:00PM–02:45PM GMT Workshop 1arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030UNLOCK Workshop 1
Unlock is the first UK-wide, cross-sector commitment to anti-racism that can be charted through specific and measurable actions & over time.
Main Plenary
Nov 19 02:30PM–03:30PM GMT 4: Starting the journey towards embedding environmental sustainability into a small arts organisationarcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030Cause 4: Starting the journey towards embedding environmental sustainability into a small arts organisation
This session will be a Q and A between a CEO and Trustee of Babylon Arts in Ely, Cambridgeshire. The organisation is going through the process of aligning itself with key environmental challenges within its local area, and the discussion will include reflections on both internal discussions to get the organisation into a place where it can effectively advocate; and the external partnerships who are helping move the agenda forwards. There will be an opportunity for delegates to ask questions and engage with the conversation.
Nov 19 03:00PM–03:45PM GMT Workshop 2arcVMTbPfzDtviwEomMj51030UNLOCK Workshop 2
Unlock is the first UK-wide, cross-sector commitment to anti-racism that can be charted through specific and measurable actions & over time.
The Programme
Day 1: Thursday 18 November 2021
10am – 10:30am: Opening Address
Arts Council England’s Delivery Plan for 2021-24 places governance at the forefront of ensuring a resilient sector. We are joined by Darren Henley ACE Chief Executive and Moira Sinclair Paul Hamlyn Foundation CEO & Chair of Clore Leadership as they welcome delegates and highlight the critical role of boards and Trustees in the future success of our sector.
10:30 am – 11:30am: Keynote Panel: ‘Curating the Civic Space in Climate Emergency'
We ask what good governance looks like as we confront the realities of climate emergency: How can our organisations be prepared and positioned to be an integral part of the civic responses to global changes in our environment?
Chaired by Baroness Lola Young of Hornsey OBE (Crossbench Peer & Chancellor of the University of Nottingham), our panel will explore the key themes emerging from COP26, look at where the cultural sector has been innovating and disrupting in response to climate change, and explore the implications of climate change on governance for areas of the world where it is already a stark reality. Our panel comprises Jenny Gilruth MSP (Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development), Alison Tickell (Founder, Julie’s Bicycle) and Angharad Wynne-Jones (CEO, Tipping Point Australia).
11:40am – 12:30pm: Sustainability In-Practice Presentations
Delegates are invited to choose one of three sessions to explore the specific challenges and opportunities they want to engage in for a civic role in the climate emergency:
SESSION 1: ‘Climate Resilience’ with Eliki Reade & Lana Nguye (Future Leaders for Australia Council for the Arts) join Angharad Wynne Jones, to look in more detail at how the cultural sector in Australia is addressing climate change and the EDI agenda through intergenerational, systemic and activist approaches.
SESSION 2: ’Pioneering New Practice’ with Sarah Nicolls. As both a musician and climate change activist, Sarah has championed the artist’s voice in the sustainability arena and hosts #themusicalactivist podcast. Delegates will explore the role of artists in climate change and what their leadership requires from cultural governance.
SESSION 3: ’Civic Spaces and Partnerships’ with Zoe Lafferty (Associate Director of the Freedom Theatre of Palestine) will explore the work Zoe undertakes as a creative collaborator on the National Youth Theatre’s MELT project. The session will guide delegates through the social and political implications of climate-themed projects delivered by arts organisations.
13:30pm – 14.30pm: Keynote Address: ‘Re-designing Cultural Governance to Challenge Ableism’
Professor Tom Shakespeare CBE (Professor of Disability Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) will deliver the keynote in the ableism and disability plenary. Tom brings significant experience in this arena in his academic roles as social researcher, writer, broadcaster, trustee and activist. He will bring his lived experience to address the social, political and practical issues that lead to so few people with disabilities leading and participating in governance.
14:30 – 15:30pm: Ableism In Practice Presentations
SESSION 1: ‘What does a board meeting look like?’ with Tom Ryalls (writer & thought-leader on governance and ableism) and Jo Verrent (Senior Producer at Unlimited). What needs to change about the way boards operate in order to facilitate the participation of disabled people?
Friday 19 November 2021
10:30am – 11:15am: Keynote Address: ‘Listen and Act: De-colonising Cultural Governance’
Dr Priya Singh (Chair of NCVO) and Amanda Parker (Founder and CEO, Inc Arts UK introduce the ‘Now’ of race and boards, exploring the part governance plays in that systemic picture and what it would take to de-colonise governance in the cultural sector.
11:30am – 12:45pm: Justice, Equality and Democracy: When Boards go Bad
You can’t afford to ignore racism, but how can you ensure your board approaches the issue as part of good governance? How can trustees mitigate the potential pitfalls around poor equality, diversity and inclusion practices to ensure a fair and equitable administration? Inc Arts UK, who champion the rights of the ethnically diverse arts sector workforce, is hosting an interactive session like no other. By engaging in a fun and entertaining session that combines live case studies and challenging scenarios, When Boards go Bad will help you to understand the steps and processes, raise your awareness and inform your anti-racism policy.
12:45pm – 1:00pm: Closing Address
Anisa Moridadi (Founder & CEO of Beatfreeks and Clore Leadership board member) brings the main conference sessions to a conclusion, looking at the intersectionality of each of the plenary topics and galvanising delegates to take practical steps to identify and make change.
1:30pm – 3:30pm: Action-focused workshops: ‘Your Governance Matters’
Following the formal conclusion of the conference delegates will be able to take next steps in their own governance development by signing up for one of the practical workshops on offer, led by governance experts to help you problem-solve, plan and action your own governance journeys.
Sessions to include two Inc Arts UK ‘UNLOCK’ workshops as well as sessions exploring ableism & sustainability. We will continue to add sessions as they are confirmed, so do check back for specific details. Individual places on workshops will be available for sign-up from 10am on Tuesday 2 November 2021.
Attending the Conference
Please register for a Hopin account when purchasing a ticket rather than selecting ‘Checkout as a guest’ as this will allow you to create a full profile for the event and allow access to our networking areas pre and during the event. Hopin recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox as the browser when accessing the event. Full tips about how to engage with a Hopin event can be found here.
Each ticket gives 1 person full access to all live conference activity on 18th and 19th November and any available recordings after the event. There are no tickets available for individual plenary sessions for the main conference.
We do not offer refunds or ticket transfers directly; you can transfer your ticket to a colleague at your own discretion if circumstances prevent you from attending (you will need to transfer all your login details to your colleague).
Governance Now 2021 is designed to support and encourage inclusivity across cultural governance in the UK.
The Governance Code states that “diversity, in the widest sense, is essential for boards to stay informed and responsive and to navigate the fast-paced and complex changes facing the voluntary sector.”
As a result, we will be providing Live Captioning, British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation, and audio description for all sessions on the main stage.
• Live Captioning – provided for all main stage sessions (via StreamText). StreamText URLs will be shared with attendees prior to the conference and also throughout the conference. We will be making transcripts of all sessions available to delegates.
• British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation – BSL interpretation at all session on the mainstage.
• Audio Description – all speakers will provide audio description of themselves, as well as any images, slides and materials used throughout the conference.
If you require any other access support put in place to help you better engage with the conference, we will try out best to accommodate requests – please let us know at the point of booking.
This year we have added various ticket options to reduce barriers for organisations and individuals who would like to attend. If you would like to discuss any options further, please do get in touch with us on
We recognise that some organisations might not be in a position to fund their Chair/Trustee/Aspiring Trustee, etc. – so we have introduced a rate for individuals paying independently. In addition to the regular rates, below, we are providing:
• Individual Ticket Young Person – for young people (30 and under) engaged in or aspiring to engage in governance.
• Get Into Governance tickets – supported by Green Park and reserved for those who are currently underrepresented on boards. We’re keen to engage people who identify as LGTBQIA+, working-class, D/deaf, disabled and neurodivergent, and those from Black, Asian and Global Majority backgrounds.
Governance Now 2021 Partners
Governance Now is designed and produced by Clore Leadership on behalf of the Cultural Governance Alliance. CGA is an affiliation of sector-leading influencer organisations and funders (including Good Governance Institute, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Cause 4 and the National Lottery Heritage Fund) and this year the conference benefits from partnerships with Arts Council England and Inc Arts UK.
As a partnership, we are committed to leading, steering and resourcing the sector to make the changes needed for more equitable, diverse, inclusive and relevant cultural governance and progress the ‘Civic Role of the Arts’ initiative to drive systemic and intersectional approaches for arts and culture.