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Emerging Technologies in Single Cell Research

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Proudly supported by


Céline Vallot

CNRS/Institut Curie, FR

Nikolaus Rajewsky

Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology, DE

Amos Tanay

Weizmann Institute of Science, IL

Oana Ursu

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, US

Klaas Mulder

Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, NL

Jop Kind

Hubrecht Institute, NL

Ana Pombo

The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, DE

Stefano Secchia


Elia Fernandez Gallardo

Department of Human Genetics, KU Leuven, BE

Dylan Cable

Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, US

Oliver Stegle

EMBL Heidelberg & the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), DE

Pawel Zajac

Illumina, US

Peter Mouritzen

Samplix, US

Laura Capolupo


Leif Ludwig

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, US

Christophe Fleury (10x Genomics)

10x Genomics, US

Dominic Grün

Max Planck Institute of Immunology and Epigenetics, DE

Miao-Ping Chien

Erasmus University Medical Center/ UFO Biosciences, NL

Mor Nitzan

The Hebrew University, IL

Omer Bayraktar

Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK

Fabian Theis

Helmholtz Zentrum München, DE

Jean-Christophe Marine

VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, BE

Carmen Bravo Gonzalez Blas

VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research, BE

Nils Gehlenborg

Harvard Medical School, US

Leeat Keren

Weizmann Institute of Science, IL

Bernd Bodenmiller

University of Zurich, CH

Samantha Morris

Washington University in St. Louis, US

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Hosted by

VIB Conferences

VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium.


10X Genomics

Reaching new levels of biological insight with single cell and spatial multiomics


Our mission is to improve human health by unlocking the power of the genome


Samplix - Xdrop


A leading provider of flow cytometry solutions and services to support researchers and clinicians who understand disease and improve care.


All about Genes, Proteins, Antibodies, and Cells

Mission Bio

Unravel the Complexity of Cancer

Poster 1 - Aldo Abarca-Ortega

Numerical analysis of effective pressure on microfluidic aspiration of a single cell before constriction

Poster 2 - Tamim Abdelaal

SpaGE: Spatial Gene Enhancement using scRNA-seq

Poster 3 - Aline Acke

Expansion microscopy as a tool to study distribution patterns of chromatin binding proteins in relation to epigenetic modifications with retained spatial information

Poster 4 - Juan Bernal-Tamayo

Reconstruction of Dynamical Cellular Non-Gradient Energy Landscapes from Single Cell Transcriptional States and Velocities

Poster 5 - Pascal Bielefeld (Presented by: Benedikt Nilges)

Cell type-specific vulnerability to traumatic brain injury in the hippocampal neural stem cell niche

Poster 6 - Thorarinn Blondal (Presented by: Peter Mouritzen)

Uniform Whole Genome Amplification in droplets using Samplix Xdrop™ technology

Poster 7 - Carmen Bravo González-Blas

Identification of genomic enhancers through spatial integration of single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics in the mouse liver

Poster 8 - Dylan Cable

Robust decomposition of cell type mixtures in spatial transcriptomics

Poster 9 - Curtis Cai

Investigating recipient immune and CAR T-cell populations during CAR-T therapy with multi-omics

Poster 10 - Laura Capolupo

Single-Cell Lipidomics reveals a role for Cell-to-Cell Lipid Heterogeneity in Cell Fate Determination

Poster 11 - Alexis Coullomb

Neighbors Aggregation Statistics for spatial omics data

Poster 12 - Eva Cuypers

Mass spectrometry imaging and profiling of single cells: application in breast cancer research

Poster 13 - Kristofer Davie

VSN Pipelines and SCope: A framework for comprehensive analysis and visualisation of single cell data and its use to build the Fly Cell Atlas

Poster 14 - Louise Deconinck

Comparing branching patient trajectories using trajectory alignment methods

Poster 15 - Marie Depuydt

Microanatomy of the human atherosclerotic plaque by single-cell transcriptomics

Poster 16 - Dalia Dhingra

A multimodal single-cell workflow to interrogate cellular responses to cancer therapy

Poster 17 - Lena Duchateau

In-situ sequencing of ABCA7 in Alzheimer disease brain

Poster 18 - Marc Elosua-Bayes

SPOTlight: Seeded NMF regression to Deconvolute Spatial Transcriptomics Spots with Single-Cell Transcriptomes

Poster 19 - Sarah Ennis

Changes in gene expression among myeloid cells during AML progression

Poster 20 - Almudena Espin Perez

Tumor dissociation methods reveal potential distinct fibroblast groups

Poster 21 - Elia Fernandez Gallardo

Transcriptomic signatures of genomic instability during human preimplantation embryo development characterized at single cell resolution by G&T-seq

Poster 22 - Christopher Flerin

Benchmarking of single cell ATAC-seq technologies yields insight into reproducibility

Poster 23 - Swann Floc'hlay

Unravelling regulatory logic and combinations of transcription factors governing the wound response program

Poster 24 - Amelie Franken

Keeping exhausted T-cells in check in COVID-19

Poster 25 - Federico Gaiti

Epigenetic encoding, heritability and plasticity of glioma transcriptional cell states

Poster 26 - Jeroen Gilis

Scalable Differential Transcript Usage Analysis for Bulk and Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Applications

Poster 27 - Blanca González-Bermúdez

Exploring the Relationships between Mechanical Behavior and Internal Ordering on T Cells through Integrative Single-Cell Analyses

Poster 28 - Bruno Guillotin

Tracing cell identity switches during root regeneration

Poster 29 - Saurabh Gulati

Accurate and sensitive subclone identification in scDNAseq datasets

Poster 30 - Gabriel H. Negreira

Exploring the evolution and adaptive role of mosaic aneuploidy in clonal Leishmania donovani populations with high throughput single cell genome sequencing

Poster 31 - Ling Hai

ieCS: interactive explorer of single cell cluster similarity

Poster 32 - Philipp Janssen

Acute myeloid leucemia cells show a reduced growth rate after chemotherapy

Poster 33 - Jasper Janssens

Mapping cell types and gene regulatory networks in the developing fly brain using single-cell multi-omics

Poster 34 - Aryan Kamal

Reconstruction and evaluation of a cell type specific gene regulatory network using chromatin accessibility and RNAseq data

Poster 35 - Atefeh Kazeroonian

Early fate decisions and inheritance in T cell responses informed by in vitro continuous imaging

Poster 36 - Yuchen Liu

Reconstruction of immune phenotype from demultiplexed single cell transcriptome

Poster 37 - Mohammad Lotfollahi

Query to reference single-cell integration with transfer learning

Poster 38 - Leif Ludwig

Scalable, multimodal profiling of chromatin accessibility, protein levels and mitochondrial genotypes in single cells

Poster 39 - Sandra Maréchal

Mapping the pathways of homeostatic dendritic cell maturation

Poster 40 - Irina Matetovici

Benchmarking single-cell and single- nucleus RNA-seq technologies

Poster 41 - Laura Mincarelli

Integrated short and long read single cell RNA-sequencing reveals cell type specific isoform expression and novel signature of ageing in haematopoietic stem cell and progenitors

Poster 42 - Maria Mircea

A measure to determine clusterability in single cell RNA-seq data

Poster 43 - Larisa Morales-Soto

scMomentum: Inference of Cell-Type-Specific Regulatory Networks and Developmental Landscapes from Single-Cell Transcriptomics Data

Poster 44 - Benedikt Nilges

Quantitative spatial analysis of 55 genes to study the effect of amyloid pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

Poster 45 - Natalia Ochocka

Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals functional heterogeneity and sex differences of glioma-associated brain macrophages

Poster 46 - Xinhai Pan

Simulating multi-modality single cell data for temporal analysis

Poster 47 - Saurabh Parikh

Method to identify phenotypic variations from genotypic changes

Poster 48 - Gabriele Partel

Unsupervised detection of cellular domains from spatial gene expression signatures by spage2vec

Poster 49 - Liliana Pineros

Studying the embryonic cell cycle in artificial cells using microfluidics

Poster 50 - Benedetto Polimeni

Deciphering Trasposable Elements transcriptional signature in Tumor-Infiltrating T Lymphocytes at single cell resolution

Poster 51 - Suresh Poovathingal (Presented by: Florian De Rop)

HyDrop: a novel droplet microfluidics platform for single-cell genomics

Poster 52 - Eszter Posfai (Presented by: Adrian Janiszewski)

Evaluating totipotency using criteria of increasing stringency

Poster 53 - Egle Ramelyte (Presented by: Aizhan Tastanova)

Single cell profiling of cutaneous B-cell lymphoma treated with T-VEC

Poster 54 - Maryam Rezaei (Presented by: Robert Weingarten)

A functional phenomics approach reveals the exchange of material between breast cancer and endothelial cells at single-cell resolution in a 3D co-culture system

Poster 55 - Andrea Sacchetti (Presented by: Mathijs Verhagen)

Phenotypic plasticity and partial EMT underlie local invasion and distant metastasis in colon cancer

Poster 56 - Mirca Saurty-Seerunghen

Metabolic modules distinguishing glioblastoma cells in distinct functioning states identified from single cell analyses

Poster 57 - Marjolein Schluck (Presented by: Bas Pilzecker)

Dictating phenotype, function and fate of human T cells through agonistic T cell receptor and co-stimulatory antibodies bound to immuno-filaments

Poster 58 - Stefano Secchia

Putting some muscle into the dissection of single cell regulatory landscapes during embryogenesis

Poster 59 - Ruth Styfhals

Cell type diversity in a developing octopus brain

Poster 60 - Irene Talon

Reconstructing gene regulatory networks during IPSC reprogramming and X chromosome reactivation

Poster 61 - Ibrahim I. Taskiran

Deep learning of Drosophila brain enhancers leveraged by single-cell RNA and ATAC-seq

Poster 62 - Nicola Thrupp

Single nucleus RNA-Seq is not suitable for detection of microglial activation genes in humans

Poster 63 - Sergey Ulianov

Single-nucleus Hi-C analysis of the Drosophila genome folding

Poster 64 - Bora Uyar (Presented by: Daniel Palmer)

Single-Cell Analyses of Aging, Inflammation and Senescence

Poster 65 - Lies Van Horebeek

Targeted single-cell transcriptomics for studying genotype-phenotype relationships

Poster 66 - Pierre Van Mol

Discriminating Mild from Critical COVID-19 by Innate and Adaptive Immune Single-cell Profiling of Bronchoalveolar Lavages

Poster 67 - Alexis Vandenbon

SingleCellHaystack: A clustering-independent method for finding differentially expressed genes in single-cell transcriptome data

Poster 68 - Marisa Vanheusden

Expanding the toolbox for the subcellular mapping of multi-omic biomarkers in expansion microscopy

Poster 69 - Sebastiaan Vanuytven

Single cell Genome-and-Transcriptome sequencing without upfront whole-genome amplification reveals cell state plasticity of melanoma subclones

Poster 70 - Parul Varma

Single cell genomics identifies cell-type specific molecular changes in precision-models of genetic epilepsies

Poster 71 - Daan Verhaege

The role of the choroid plexus in immune surveillance of the brain

Poster 72 - Beate Vieth

Power simulations for cell type identification from single cell RNA-seq data

Poster 73 - Shu Wang

Amplicon design for single cell targeted sequencing assays using machine learning

Poster 74 - Gang Wen

Evaluation of direct grafting strategies in Expansion Microscopy

Poster 75 - Jasper Wouters

Robust gene expression programs underlie recurrent cell states and phenotype switching in melanoma

Poster 76 - Jin Ye

Deep Characterization of the cellular diversity in Bone Marrow microenvironment

Poster 77 - Ziqi Zhang (Presented by: Xiuwei Zhang)

Inference of multiple trajectories in single cell RNA-Seq data from RNA velocity

Poster 78 - Yun Zhang

FR-Match: A Cell Type Matching Framework for Single Cell RNA Sequencing Data Using the Friedman-Rafsky Non-parametric Test

Poster 80 - Marius Lange

CellRank maps the fate of single cells