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Copy of Rehearsal Latin & Spanish Chambers Online Networking September

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Welcome to our Monthly networking session!

Our Online Events platform is now a regular tool for our members to network with companies interested in expanding into both regions (Britain and Latin 

Companies will be able to share information, experiences, and look for answers to questions related to expanding your operations and connect with our member companies, experts in the field , and with large experience operating or advising companies in Britain or Latin America. 

The British & Colombian Chamber of Commerce and the British Argentine Chamber have joined forces to promote this event  and the region. Both chambers hold 
membership of the The Council of Ibero American Chambers  (CIAC).   

We connect key regional and national decision-makers, we are the voice of business in Colombia, Argentine , Latin America and the United Kingdom. 
Whatever your size, sector or location, we can provide you with the contacts, advice and insight to help your navigate these regions and fast track your 
operations in your market choice. 

From start-up businesses to established ventures, companies based in a city or rural location, local self-employed traders or major players trading 
internationally. We help bringing  business together to build skills and opportunities. 

We offer a successful programme of social and corporate events to network, share best practice, and access training and support services. 

We  invite you to become a member of your prefered chamber and find out how we can make a difference for your business.

Proudly supported by


The British & Colombian Chamber of Commerce

The event is over

Hosted by

British & Colombian Chamber of Commerce

We connect businesses in UK, Colombia & Latin America

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International Tax & Legal Services

The British Argentine Chamber of Commerce

Promoting trade and investment between Great Britain and Argentina.

The British & Colombian Chamber of Commerce

One stop hub for B2B Trade & Investment development between UK, Colombia & Latin America.